Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Spreading the Wealth

A fallacy being perpet-uated by President Obama is that our nation’s wealth isn’t being spread around properly. (Remember his comment to “Joe the Plumber?”) Apparently the president thinks it is unfair that the people who are willing to work live more comfortably than those who are unwilling to work. Therefore, he believes the government should step in and even things out.

But the fact is, the nation’s wealth already is being spread around quite effectively. Each day working Americans earn a share of our country’s wealth, and each day they pass a portion of that wealth on to others. Not a day goes by that purchases aren’t made and services paid for. Even the rich, though despised and vilified by liberals, participate fully in this daily process. In fact, because they earn more, they generally spend more. Money is being briskly exchanged all the time in this country; it doesn’t just sit around idle.

So what is it that the president is objecting to? Quite simply, he is displeased about who controls the process. What displeases him is that the people who earn the wealth get to decide where it goes after they earn it. He doesn’t like that.

Here is what he would like to see happen instead. He wants all the nation’s wealth to flow unimpeded to the federal government so bureaucrats under his charge and control may distribute it as he sees fit. Why? Because he believes his judgment is superior to ours. Elitists, you see, always think they--and they alone--know what is right. And President Obama is an elitist, through and through.

But remember this: Our nation was founded on principles aimed at maximizing individual freedom while limiting the powers of government. What Barack Obama and others refer to as “spreading the wealth” is simply a ruse for taking power and control away from the people and consolidating it into the hands of government. This is contrary to our founding principles and therefore is WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!

Think about it. Only the shiftless and indolent are dissatisfied with the manner in which wealth is spread in this country. They complain that the nation’s wealth isn’t reaching them; but if they refuse to place themselves along the path of that wealth as it is flowing by, how do they realistically expect to acquire a share of it? All the rest of us know and understand that we must get out of bed in the morning and drive to a place where money can be earned--and spend the entire day there. Sure it’s inconvenient, but we don’t expect to draw water from the river unless we’re willing to go down to the river’s edge everyday and get our shoes muddy.

When it comes to his position on “spreading the wealth,” the president is brashly displaying his true colors, and they are not red, white and blue. How could any real American, least of all the president, believe it is in the best interest of our country to be encouraging those who refuse to work to harbor resentment towards those who are willing to work. And certainly the president, the nation’s highest political leader, shouldn’t be encouraging those who won’t work to believe that our economic system, the free enterprise system, is fundamentally unfair. That system is NOT unfair! It only seems that way to people who aren’t enterprising.

Bottom line: The president is pitting the working class against the nonworking class, and is promoting and lending respectability to a lie, solely for the purpose of gaining power. Barack Obama is not content with being president, he wants to be an emperor, a ruler unencumbered by restraints.

We can no longer afford to be complacent. If we don’t act fast and assert our Constitutional rights as free men and women, the president, you can be sure, will get his promotion.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Single Biggest Threat?

Recently during a nuclear summit held in Washington, President Obama said: "The central focus of this nuclear summit is the fact that the single biggest threat to U.S. security, both short term, medium term and long term, would be the possibility of a terrorist organization obtaining a nuclear weapon."

Although I heartily agree that the threat of terrorists obtaining a nuclear device and employing it against a major U.S. city is a very serious one, it certainly is not the most immediate or dire threat facing the U.S. at this time. The single biggest threat facing America right now is the one from within. It is the large and growing number of high-level office holders in Washington, including President Obama, who no longer believe in the U.S. Constitution or the system of government it underpins.

Make no mistake about it, these insidious betrayers, who have clandestinely infiltrated our nation’s very heart and core, constitute America’s deadliest enemies.

We need to remember that a nation is strong, and therefore enjoys a greater level of security, when a majority of its citizens believe strongly in the principles upon which it was founded. The true believers in any political and economic ideology, be it capitalism, socialism, communism or terrorism, are always deeply committed to its continuing success and everlasting survival. On the other hand, when a people and their leaders begin to doubt their own political and economic doctrines, they seriously weaken that nation, making it more vulnerable to destructive influences from within and without.

America was established and built on individual liberty, free enterprise and limited government, principles that once were held in high esteem by all Americans. It prospered and became a mighty nation, the mightiest on earth, by following this unique and formerly vaunted body of tenets.

But now many, including the president, congressional leaders and federal justices, are losing faith in these cherished values that were instilled in us by our wise and courageous forebears. These perverse defectors want to turn us away from our traditional American values that have held us in good stead for so many years and embrace instead the bitter and toxic ideals of collectivism. If they succeed in making these ill-advised changes, they very quickly will turn America into a third-rate nation.

And that, my friends, not international terrorism, is the most critical danger currently facing America. Our highest leaders in Washington, men and women in whom we have entrusted our very lives and futures, are intentionally and maliciously undermining our nation’s strength, and placing us at a potentially fatal disadvantage in a cruel and highly competitive world where only the brave, the diligent and the sturdy survive and prosper.

Let us resolve today to reaffirm our nation’s traditional values, and to put our personal and political houses back in order. And I promise you that if we will do that, no enemy, foreign or domestic, will ever subdue or enslave us.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What Real Freedom Entails

Allow me pose a few questions. How does our government expect to stimulate the econ-omy when it is doing everything within and beyond its power to kill individual initiative? Doesn’t it see that its actions will stymie rather than stimulate the economy? Does our government really believe that our citi-zens will remain bold, aggressive, enterpris-ing and industrious once it has gained the power to arbitrarily transfer much of what they earn and possess to someone else? Is our government really so stupid that it cannot see that these actions will greatly diminish a citizen’s incentive to work hard and make prudent choices?

Ask yourselves this: What drives people to work hard and plan prudently if it is not the hope of improving their condition? And what guarantee will they have that their condition will improve once they have lost the power to use their earnings and accumulated belongings as they see fit?

Are we gullible enough to fall for this nonsense? (I could have employed the barnyard term for “nonsense,” but out of a respect for my readers I chose not to.)

Just because a growing number of misguided fools in Washington think socialism has merit is no reason for us, the sensible working class, to buy into it. In fact, for what it’s worth, I would say their interest in pursuing it is reason enough for staying completely clear of it. After all, does any creature on the planet possess faultier judgment than a politician?

America was largely developed by the people, not by the government. Let us never forget that. The astonishing level of prosperity we have achieved and enjoyed over the years is the result of individual effort and sacrifice. It was not achieved through government control and planning. Ordinary people, all across America, were free to rise or fall based upon their personal abilities and determination. The majority, to one degree or another, survived and prospered. They endured the many uncertainties and hardships associated with pursuing their aspirations and dreams because they believed they, not their timid and idle neighbors, would reap the benefits of their efforts. This demanding process not only produced good and useful citizens, but it made America a great nation as well.

However, if we wish to remain great and to continue flourishing, it is absolutely vital that we remain free. Our citizens must be permitted to retain control over their own lives and destinies, as the founders intended. This will necessitate a dramatic reduction in both the size and power of government, which conversely will place more responsibility upon the shoulders of individual citizens, who no longer will have the luxury of ducking their civic and moral obligations. But that’s what real freedom entails, folks.

As for those among us who refuse to work, I guess they will just have to live off scraps and like it.