Monday, February 21, 2011
Presidents' Day
Today we are observing what has come to be called Presi-dents’ Day. Upon election, a president assumes a unique position in American society. As the political head of our nation, he becomes the em-bodiment, both here and abroad, of who and what we are. Below are a few thoughts on the fundamental attributes any and every president should have.
He, above all others, must possess an unalloyed love of country. He, above all others, must possess an unshakeable belief in our country’s founding principles and ideals. He, above all others, must maintain an unblinking vigil against encroaching threats, domestic and foreign, that would jeopardize our safety and our precious way of life. For he, above all others, is our nation’s foremost patriot, promoter and protector.
No man or woman is fit to serve as president of the United States, no matter what other credentials or qualifications they may possess, if they are not prepared to defend and perpetuate at all cost America’s core beliefs and values. America must have presidents who believe unequivocally in America. We have no need for doubters or apologizers in the White House. A president’s faith must be thoroughly and securely anchored in Americanism, not alien ideologies like socialism, communism or globalism.
Over the years, since the founding of our nation, we have had a small number of phenomenal presidents, a great many good or adequate ones, and a few whose conduct and performance were reprehensible and disappointing, not to mention corrosive and destructive. I don’t think I need to tell you that at this critical juncture in our country’s history we can ill afford to have more of the latter class. We as voters must begin demanding and getting presidents who will inspire and motivate us to meet our nation’s current challenges without forsaking the principles that made us great. We should have no interest in anyone who is willing to settle for second best in world affairs. We should have no interest in anyone whose vision is so narrow and limited that he can offer us no road but the low road.
On this Presidents’ Day, I urge all who read this to become much more attentive and thoughtful in choosing our presidents. Please take the time to thoroughly investigate the background of each candidate. Hold them to the very highest standards of moral conduct, for in as much as we have set aside a day to honor our presidents, let us vow, here and now, to nominate and elect only those among us who are deserving of our deepest admiration.
I wish to preach, not the doctrine of ignoble ease, but the doctrine of the strenuous life, the life of toil and effort, of labor and strife; to preach that highest form of success which comes, not to the man who desires mere easy peace, but to the man who does not shrink from danger, from hardship, or from bitter toil, and who out of these wins the splendid ultimate triumph. --Theodore Roosevelt
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Dangerous Radicals
Liberals view most true conservatives as dangerous radi-cals. We see it everyday in the way they respond to what sincere con-servatives say and do. But I would like to suggest that liberals are being narrow-minded rather than liberal-minded when they think that way. After all, is demanding that presidents and lawmakers adhere to the principles of government as set forth in the Constitution really all that radical? Is the rhetoric and actions of those who are determined to preserve our Constitutional freedoms any more radical than that of those who are determined to abolish them?
The problem is that liberals control the media. Therefore, they can suppress negative information and opinions about themselves while shouting from the roof tops the real or imagined inadequacies and failures of conservatives. So little by little they are placing the blame for all our nation’s woes on conservatives. And in doing so, they are hoping to vilify conservatives and turn every gullible and inattentive citizen against them.
And yet, what are conservatives, true conservatives, really trying to do but preserve some of our inalienable human rights, our God-given rights. They just want our fundamental rights as human beings to be acknowledged, respected and preserved by our government. They are not willing, as some Americans are, to exchange inalienable rights for mere government “entitlements,” for they are fully aware that what the government gives them on one day may be withdrawn on another, and likely will be. But they know the rights their Creator endowed them with at birth are theirs to keep, and no earthly government may lawfully take them away.
Now let’s examine how liberals look at things. What do they keep offering us as solutions to our social and economic problems? What always lies at the bottom of their plans? If you don’t know already, I’ll tell you. Their solutions always entail taking away a right here and a right there, all in the sacred name of making every American, even those who refuse to lift a hand to improve their lot in life, equal.
An example: What is ObamaCare but a surreptitious power grab? It shifts massive amounts of power away from the people and places it in the hands of the federal government. ObamaCare isn’t about making health care more affordable or accessible to Americans, it’s about redistributing power. ObamaCare is simply a ruse to divert attention away from the true goal of liberals, which is to keep stripping Americans of their Constitutional rights until they are all gone. ObamaCare is merely a means to an end, not a sincere effort to improve the quality of life in America.
But in order to prevent people from seeing through this ruse, liberals must discredit anyone who is shedding light on their nefarious plans, especially those who are making a good case against them. That essentially is why our nation’s most popular and influential conservatives are being incessantly harassed and attacked by the liberal media and portrayed as dangerous radicals, people to be wary of, people to be feared.
Try to see this from the standpoint of a liberal. Liberals know that if a true appreciation of our heritage can be reignited in this country, it will mean that all the headway they have gained over these many years will be lost. Therefore, with the growing popularity of such grassroots movements as the Tea Party, expect to see the liberal media turning up the heat on anyone who is attempting to advance the cause of freedom. These bold patriots are voluntarily placing themselves in a highly vulnerable spot. We need to encourage them and support them, for they are the ones the opposition must knock down and push aside if this growing surge of conservatism is to be stopped in its tracks.
A few closing words: We Americans are fortunate. We have a written agreement with our government, something few human beings on this earth possess. It is called the Constitution. It imposes strict limits upon the power our government may lawfully exert over the us.
Please assist in any way you can all those who are at the forefront in the fight to save our Constitution and nation. They are daily putting their reputations and livelihoods at risk as they bravely engage in the dangerous task of unmasking and neutralizing some of our country’s most deceitful, influential and ruthless opponents of freedom.
Photo: Judge Andrew P. Napolitano. You may visit his website at
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