Monday, March 31, 2008


When we look at something, we see it from our perspective. Our perspective on things depends largely upon where we're at. Centuries ago people believed the earth was flat. Of course, from ancient man's perspective, situationally and intellectually, that's the way it seemed. The apparent flatness of the earth's surface was so overwhelmingly obvious to everyone at that time that no one had ever stopped to give the matter any serious thought. Numberless centuries passed and then somebody, for one reason or another, stopped and gave the subject the degree of consideration it deserved. Perhaps quite a lot. He may even have been criticized for stopping too long and for not being able to keep his mind on more important things. Be that as it may, at some point in this person's purposeful process of pondering and reasoning, be it brief or lengthy, he suddenly saw what no one else had ever seen before. It was like a revelation. In fact, it was a revelation. He hadn't moved physically in any substantial way. He was still crawling around like a bug in the dirt like everyone else. And he certainly hadn't gained the lofty vantage point of an astronaut. What had happend was that within his mind a miraculous shift in perspective had taken place. So next time you have a friend who is questioning something that is obvious, try to be a little patient with him. Granted, quite likely he's nuts, but who knows?

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