Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Each of us commences our earthly existence and journey at a precise time and place. From that time and place we move inexorably onward through a series of ups and downs and twists and turns--some fascinating, some frightful--to our ultimate destiny, an event that also will be marked by a specific time and place. The interval, be it long or short, between beginning and end is called our lifetime. And though our beginning point in time and space is predetermined for us by choices our parents made, there is inevitably a moment when we begin making choices for ourselves, a point where we start selecting our own path in life. And this path, whether carefully or carelessly chosen, will unavoidably carry us across the paths of many others, some good and some not so good, and convey us to our ultimate fate. It has been said that if you could follow a person's path backwards, from the end to the beginning, and look at all the spots where he chose a certain fork over another, you would see that there really was only one place he could have ended up. So please take heed my dear friends, especially my young friends. Be wise and thoughtful in choosing your path, for if you are, the trip through life can be, despite the occasional disappointments and heartaches common to all, surprisingly beautiful and even breathtaking at times. And when you arrive at your final stop, wherever and whenever that might be, it will be the serene and natural conclusion to a worthwhile and lovely journey.

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