Tuesday, October 28, 2008

We The People

In re-sponse to the recent mortgage and credit crisis, our govern-ment has taken a series of dramatic steps. If one uses the Constitution and the political beliefs of the Founders as a measure of what comprises the legitimate powers of government, these steps are another serious and dangerous departure from time-honored and revered principles.

We all know there is corruption and incompetence in government. We all know there is unrestrained greed and depravity in many areas of business. But we also need to recognize that as citizens we too are failing to measure up to our full responsibilities. We too share much of the blame for what is going on around us.

In America the will of the people underlies our political system and its institutions. That is a fortunate thing, but when we neglect to forthrightly express our will, the government goes forward without our guidance. And a misguided government is a dysfunctional government--ponderous, pernicious and dreadful, as we all are now witnessing.

As citizens we are guilty of electing and re-electing, irrespective of party, presidents and members of congress who, in the absence of corrective input from us, have virtually set our political and economic systems ablaze. How much more apparent does it have to become? Is not the current man-made conflagration evidence enough of their malfeasance, negligence and incompetence? Must we experience further horrors at their hands to be convinced?

If our nation is to escape complete destruction, we, average Americans like you and me, must become involved--right now and in a big way! Our house is on fire and the arsonists are pretending to be the fire department. Their method of fighting a fire is to throw more fuel on it. They want to use the same combustibles that ignited it to put it out. What does that reveal, despite what they are telling us, about their true intentions?

Perhaps the supercilious and condescending elitists who rule in Washington believe we are all hopelessly stupid. Perhaps they arrogantly believe they can do much better without our input than with it. But anyone who has eyes can see they are leading us down a slippery and perilous path. Look around you. Who is going to bring this great country back on course if we don’t? We are all that is left. We are all that stands between these bloated putrescent politicians and total destruction.

If there is going to be meaningful change in America, if we as a nation are going to set a true course back to stability and safety, we can’t entrust such a vital job to career politicians. We the people must initiate it and carry through with it. The solution to the grave problems that presently beset us lies in our becoming better educated and informed, and in becoming much more involved in political affairs. If we as citizens and taxpayers don’t know what constitutes sound political and economic principles, how are we going to provide essential and worthwhile guidance to our elected officials? And how will we know if they are devising and implementing programs that truly are in our best interest?

It’s time we understood that not every clown jumping at the chance to serve is fit to serve. We need to do a much better job of monitoring and grading our leaders and screening candidates. We might begin by demanding simple honesty and some commonsense.

We elect these people to be public servants, which implies that they work for and answer to the public. However, a great many of them, once elected, come to see themselves not as humble servants but as superior beings, far wiser and more intelligent than the simple people who put them in office.

The hour has come. Time is short. Beginning today, and without delay, we must begin the crucial process of culling out these pompous jackasses and replacing them with a new generation of patriotic, pro-America leaders, leaders who love their country more than money, power and fame.

“Don’t interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard to our liberties.”
--Abraham Lincoln

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