I am told by Al Gore and others that our planet is warming. This may be so. The planet has a long history of climatic ups and downs. As recently as 13,000 years ago, for example, a massive lake covered a large portion of what is currently northwestern Nevada. It’s gone now, but the area it once occupied is presently populated with thousands of happy, thriving people. And many of them do not know or care that they are living on the bottom of a dried up lake.
I am fully aware that the pollutants we daily spew into the atmosphere are damaging our planet. The stuff that comes out of the tailpipes of cars, after all, is poison. But what is also troubling to me is the noxious stream of virulent sludge that oozes every day from the mouths of unprincipled, power-hungry politicians. That too is poison. That too is deadly. We must understand that misguided, opportunistic politicians are every bit as dangerous to the world as climate change is. And personally, I’d rather take my chances with the unknowns associated with climate change.
Even if I thought politicians had the best of intentions, which I don’t, most of them are clearly a bunch of bumbling idiots, ill-equipped and ill-suited for taking on any serious or important tasks. They have tried for 75 years to manage the nation’s economy. And look where we’re at. Now they want us to turn climate management over to them. What do these pompous fools take us for?
If we are sincerely interested in survival, what we must recognize is that global warming is not our most immediate problem. Our most immediate concern is to understand, appreciate, revive and preserve our great nation’s heart--the Constitution. Nowhere else in the world does such an extraordinary and precious document exist. To preserve it, we will need to participate fully and faithfully in every upcoming election, and methodically cull from high office our most toxic politicians, those who are steadily and maliciously injecting vile, anti-American poisons into our political system. These polluters must be quickly and systematically replaced, replaced with true, freedom-loving Americans, principled men and women who cherish America’s rich and noble heritage. Then, when we have cleaned up the filth that has been defiling and destroying our political environment, we can begin addressing our climate problems, and do it in a manner that preserves our national sovereignty and keeps us from being swallowed up by a rapacious and despotic leviathan.
We simply cannot permit our political leaders to continue violating and ignoring the ingeniously conceived political principles contained in our Constitution. We simply cannot permit our political leaders to continue transforming limited government into unlimited government. We simply cannot permit our political leaders to further contaminate and degrade our beloved and long-held political ideals. If we do, we’re setting ourselves up for a disaster, a disaster that will likely overtake us long before global warming does.
Remember the insightful words of Lord Acton: “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Our Founders fully understood this critically important aspect of human nature. You see their understanding of it in nearly every paragraph of the Constitution. We, the current trustees of the United States of America, must never loose sight of what a valuable and irreplaceable national treasure our Constitution is. Our Constitution, carefully designed and crafted by wise men, is what makes our nation unique among all the nations of the world. Our Constitution is the vital barrier that stops oppressive and tyrannical influences from entering our democratic system of government.
If we continue to allow unscrupulous politicians to punch holes in it and break it down, our country will soon be like a world without an ozone layer.
Hey, that gives me an idea. I wonder if we could persuade Al Gore, with all his political might and expertise, to get involved in a “save” the Constitution campaign?
Well, it was just a thought.
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