Tuesday, January 6, 2009


A nation is composed of individuals. If those individuals are strong and enterprising, the nation is strong and enterprising. On the other hand, if the na-tion is comprised of weak, sluggish individ-uals, the nation itself is weak and sluggish.

With that in mind, one might expect govern-ment to be fully en-gaged in a determined effort to cultivate strong, capable individuals. After all, in a competitive and often ruthless world, it would seem absurd and irrational to be doing otherwise.

So why is our government doing otherwise? Why is our government so intent upon tempering or removing all of life’s realities and challenges, all the things that make individuals strong and resilient? Why is our government ceaselessly devising programs aimed at reducing the vigor, stamina and hardiness of its individual citizens? Why is our government so bent upon creating an incompetent and enfeebled society? Don’t our leaders, our highly paid public servants in Washington, see that government assistance can be carried to the point where it is hindering us more than it is helping us? Can’t they see that by continuing to implement these unsound policies they are undermining the very security of our nation?

Americans, as we are all aware, have never been ordinary individuals. Historically they have been daring and determined individuals. We must remember that we are the children of individuals who crossed a dangerous sea in fragile boats to come to a new and untamed land. We are the children of individuals who stood up to and fought a mighty nation to gain freedom and independence. We are the children of individuals who traversed mountains and deserts to find better opportunities for themselves and their families. We are the children of individuals who fought two world wars, not to preserve our nation alone but to rescue the entire world from the grip of tyranny. We are the children of individuals who voluntarily and unflinchingly faced harsh realities and difficult challenges, and grew stronger because of it. Do we want to be remembered as the generation that abandoned that path, that discarded those proud and rich traditions?

I certainly don’t. And if you don’t either, it’s time we started saying no thanks to government. It’s time we started squarely facing life’s uncertainties and challenges. It’s time we started being accountable for our actions. It’s time we began making our own way again, as individuals.

The survival of our nation depends on it.

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