America is in a state of decline. Countless individuals in and out of govern-ment are respon-sible for this condi-tion; however, today I wish to single out the dereliction of one special group--those who earn their livelihood as educators of our children. And I am not speaking of our nation’s teachers alone, but of the misguided PhDs who formulated and implemented our modern-day educational curricula.
When those entrusted with the critical task of faithfully passing on a clear understanding of our nation’s special legacy failed to do so, the spirit that had energized and animated Americans since 1776 began to be extinguished. And as a result of their inexcusable carelessness, we now have an entire generation of Americans partially or completely devoid of any meaningful understanding of how or why America developed into the distinct and special nation it did--a land of unparalleled freedoms and almost limitless opportunities.
When patriotism went out of style, when it became more fashionable to be cynical rather than optimistic, when it became more trendy to speak about what was wrong in America rather than what was right--and there was and still is so much that is right--that is when our uniquely American sense of identity and pride began to be smothered out--smothered out by the very individuals charged with keeping it alive.
Please understand this: The life-sustaining heart of a nation, any nation, is composed of its deeply committed citizens who firmly believe in the principles upon which their government was founded. Not surprisingly, when you begin reducing the number of those steady and stalwart citizens, the nation’s moral, political, and economic health starts to deteriorate. If no meaningful action is taken to arrest the condition, the afflicted nation soon becomes gravely ill and may ultimately die. And although it is true that another form of government may rise up to replace the one that preceded it, that which replaces it may be rank and bitter indeed--a system so foul and repugnant that brute force must be applied to implement it.
To prevent America from dying, and hopefully that is what we all earnestly desire, we must without delay begin fostering once again in our children and grandchildren a sincere love of country. Not a blind fanaticism but a sincere devotion and respect based upon knowledge. And we must further make it clear that those currently holding positions in government are but the present caretakers of government and not the government itself. To be sure, office holders may be flawed, some seriously, but our government “conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal” is not seriously flawed. It is all anyone acquainted with the governments of the world, past and present, could ever hope for.
So let us join together as concerned Americans and get this vital project underway. For if we fail to act, there soon will be no one left willing to make the sacrifices necessary to promote America’s welfare or to ensure its survival.
Hopefully, there still are enough Americans out there, both young and old, imbued with a sufficient level of commonsense and patriotism to roll back this alarming and potentially deadly trend. We must all recognize that the preservation of America lies in the hands of our rising generations, and that we must equip them with the knowledge, skills, tools and spirit necessary to survive and succeed in a highly competitive and constantly changing world.
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