Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Magic of Modern Politics

Everyone knows that the key to a magician’s so-called magic is distract-ing the audience. The magician cleverly draws the audience’s attention elsewhere during the critical moment when the deception is carried out.

Today many of our politicians employ techniques very similar to those used by the world’s greatest magicians. With the full aid and cooperation of the news media, they distract us by vociferously hyping problems--some real, some imaginary--while effectuating the magical disappearance of our God-given rights and freedoms.

They tell us, for example, that the globe is warming and that immediate and extreme measures must be taken to prevent it. Or they engineer a financial meltdown and then rush into law a series of stimulus packages that further weaken and undermine our once powerful and vibrant economy. More recently they have been attempting an unconstitutional takeover of our nation’s health care industry.

Make no mistake about it, each one of these contrived or trumped up “emergencies” is designed for one purpose only--to direct our attention away from their tyrannical ambitions. By creating uncertainty and fear, they convince us that the enactment of questionable and dangerous legislation is absolutely necessary to save our nation and the world.

But ask yourselves this, what are politicians gaining for themselves as they go about forging what they insist will be a better world? Answer: They are gaining control, ever more control. They are steadily removing control from our hands, the people’s hands, and consolidating it into their own.

That, my friends, is the “magic” of modern politics--the magic that currently is being performed daily with great success by such accomplished illusionists as Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi.

While they are distracting us with frightful tales of distant and imaginary catastrophes, and the amateurish antics of lesser bogeymen, these arch villains are looting our nation and its citizens on a scale never before imagined. And what is worse, they are insolently stomping upon and stealing our cherished American freedoms, the freedoms our ancestors gave their blood for.

Don’t let yourselves be taken in any longer by these cunning and ruthless con artists. Get your head someplace where you can see the whole picture.

And by all means do it before it’s too late to take meaningful action!

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