Monday, July 19, 2010


Today I am going to play philosopher and theologian and speak of truth. And for those on a tight schedule, I will keep it brief.

The originator of Christianity once said: “Know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” That simple statement reveals something extremely important about the nature of truth, something mankind must never forget; i.e., that knowing truth is liberating. And if that is so, then follow-ing error must take man down the opposite path. It must lead unquestionably to loss of freedom and confinement.

So are you starting to see where I’m going with this?

If what Jesus said is correct, and I have no reason to believe otherwise, then is it any wonder that the national news media tells us lies and withholds truth? Is it any wonder that our schools teach our children rubbish instead of facts? And is it any wonder that President Obama, congressional leaders and wacko economists keep assuring us that sustainable, long-term prosperity can be achieved by continually borrowing money from our enemy China?

Hey, we’re being led like blind men carefully into captivity!

But listen up. Truth is out there. Admittedly, it may be concealed under an ever growing pile of misinformation, but it’s out there. And it’s time we started uncovering it, sharing it with our friends, and then acting upon it in a lawful and concerted manner.

President Obama is wrong! Contrary to what he may think, America is still a Christian nation. It is both imprudent and premature for him to believe that we have abandoned our true and immortal Savior in order to follow a false and mortal one!

I promised I would keep this brief, so in closing I will offer this: Understanding Bible truths is more important than having a gun; nevertheless, I would advise you to keep one handy.

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