Wednesday, August 11, 2010

It Is Time To Take The Bushel Off Your Candle

Wouldn’t you think news stories should be prioritized and reported on the basis of how vital and urgent the information is to the public? For example, if a category-5 hurricane was about to strike a major U.S. city, would it be appropriate to forego the reporting of that story in favor of reporting on the latest fashion designs coming out of Paris?

I don’t think so.

So why is it that with our entire nation teetering precariously on the very brink of a catastrophic political and economic breakdown all the major network news organizations are bypassing the story?

If you are a fisherman, aren’t you trying to catch the biggest fish in the sea? If you are an investor, aren’t you always looking for the investment opportunity of a life-time? So why aren’t our top network news reporters going after the most important, crucial and newsworthy story of the century--the impending sociopolitical upheaval that is about to overtake the United States if its citizens don’t awaken and get their house in order?

Isn’t this behavior oddly inconsistent with the objectives of their profession? We assume, after all, that these wide-gauge gossips are entitled to their exorbitant salaries and superstar status because they are the best darn news gatherers and reporters in the business. Yet they are missing the elephant-in-the-living-room story. So what gives?

What gives is that virtually all of our mainstream news media luminaries are little more than hired hands. They are mere pawns who do nothing more nor less than what they are told to do. They aren’t independent thinkers, at all; they’re propagandists who mindlessly carry out the will of others in exchange for a little prestige and a high salary. The only difference between them and Hitler’s Joseph Goebbels is their wardrobe. They don’t wear brown uniforms at One World Order rallies. Not yet, at least.

What we must come to understand, if we are to survive as a free people, is that our current mainstream news media functions to conceal information, not reveal it. When news come into a network news bureau, a good deal of it, that which has the greatest potential for enlightening the public, is discarded immediately. The small portion that remains is then substantially modified and smartly packaged before it is released for public consumption.

If you are surprised by that, you shouldn’t be. After all, when a clandestine syndicate of unprincipled men and women are attempting to take over the world, it goes without saying that they must retain a corps of professional and polished liars to keep their secrets and distract the intended victims.

So what is my message for today? Simply this: It is time to take the bushel off your candle. Massive and horrendous crimes are unfolding before our very eyes. And honorable men and woman do not stand by with their hands in their pockets while masked criminals, working under a cloak of darkness, commit with impunity outrageous and despicable acts. Surely we Americans don’t want to be like the “good” Germans who shut their eyes to the atrocities of Nazism.

One of the simplest and most effectual ways ordinary citizens can thwart these unscrupulous vermin and eventually bring them to justice is to start shedding some much needed light into areas where presently there is only darkness. With things as they are now in this country, I think a great many people are becoming more and more willing to accept the idea that there are outright traitors operating as an organized body in the highest levels and offices of our government as well as within the nation’s news media.

When I was a kid, I occasionally heard adults conjecturing about such things, but I considered the possibilities to be both remote and minimal. However, as I’ve grown and matured, and witnessed first-hand many strange and questionable developments in the way our government is run, I’ve come to believe that their nagging doubts and fears were fully justified--mainly because this admittedly incredible theory of things provides the only reasonable explanation for why our nation’s health and vitality has deteriorated so rapidly and alarmingly over the past several decades.

At the end of World War II America was without question the most powerful nation on earth. But now, just 65 years later, our once vibrant and enviable national economy is in shambles and we are smothering in debt. Are we expected to believe that this is just a coincidence? Are we expected to believe that this is merely the result of ignorance and gross incompetence on the part of our national leaders?

No my friends, that’s what the news media wants us to believe. But in actuality the many problems, fears and uncertainties we currently are facing in this country are the direct result of a carefully developed and executed plot to bring America to her knees. And we won’t get this mess cleaned up, or things straightened out, until a sufficient number of us recognize what is truly going on around us.

So if you want your children and grandchildren to live in a special land where they can achieve their highest hopes and ambitions, please get out there and start casting some light into the shadowy recesses where these treacherous rats live and breed. Because it is quite obvious that the current superstars of American journalism are determined to keep this fiendish plot enshrouded in impenetrable darkness.

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