Sunday, September 21, 2008

Where Does The Buck Stop?

It is a frightening thing to contemplate, but it has become apparent in recent years that neither the Republicans nor the Democrats have the foresight, skill or courage to lead America. For quite sometime members of the two “contending” political parties, once elected, have failed to offer substantially different solutions to the problems facing our great nation. They are, to quote a homely old phrase, peas in a pod. They pretend to be different, but in reality their management styles, strategies, and ultimate goals are strikingly similar. What this leaves us with is essentially a one-party system masquerading as a two-party system. This unfortunate pretense is kept up for only one purpose, so that those running for office will have someone to sling mud at. The political sideshow is faithfully and carefully acted out during election years and the periods between to convince voters that there are still courageous fighters out there willing to wrestle with the forces of evil; namely, the other party. Unfortunately, when our “leaders” want only to while away their time producing and starring in senseless political dramas rather than assuming the role of statesman or stateswoman, bad things happen while they are thus engaged. For example, both Republicans and Democrats in congress sat by and watched as greedy and unscrupulous banks and mortgage companies created the worst economic catastrophe since the Wall Street Crash of 1929, even though both houses of congress have banking and financial services committees to monitor and oversee the activities of such institutions. Furthermore, our Republican President and his economic advisors, along with the Secretary of the Treasury and the Federal Reserve Board did the same thing. No one apparently saw this huge financial tidal wave approaching. No one apparently even had a hunch. Or if they did, no one possessed the economic savvy or political courage to step forward and do something about it before it evolved into a calamity. How could it be that a mounting financial debacle of this magnitude went unnoticed? Not surprisingly, there is not a single person in Washington willing to admit guilt. Rather, everyone there is scrambling around pointing fingers at each other. A tragic and costly economic misfortune has fallen upon the American people while our political “leaders” either slept or were intentionally looking away. And what is their response to all this now that it has happened? Arrogate to themselves vast powers not granted to them by the Constitution, and in the process replace, step by step, limited government with an all-reaching, all-powerful government. Only two conclusions can be drawn from such behavior. Either these people are a bunch of incompetent bunglers who don’t give a damn about principles, or they are a very crafty band of revolutionaries. Whatever the case may be, we can only guess where this latest ill-advised departure from sound political and economic principles will take us? Surely it will set another dangerous precedent, but will it save us? Temporarily, perhaps it will. But in the long run permitting the federal government to become heavily engaged in every aspect of our daily lives will prove unwise, just as our Founders knew and warned. The only real solution, as painful and inconvenient as it may seem, is for the people to wake up and gain control over themselves and their government, for although it apparently is not a widely known fact at this time, it must be remembered that in our unique and wisely formulated political system, the buck stops with us.

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