Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Earth is God's

Whenever we get to thinking the world is unrav-eling fast, it is help-ful to remember that God created the world and that He undoubtedly has a plan for it. After all, it is hard to imagine God going to the trouble of creating something, like a world, for example, that He wasn’t going to keep an eye on and look after. At least until its purpose was accomplished. And He surely must have known that the moment He put people on it, He was imperiling it.

We may fuss about the world and its future, but I suppose things are going to wind up about the way God thought they would. And whatever it was He was hoping to gain from all His trouble, I suppose He will net about what He expected.

But if God’s got this whole planet in the palm of His hand, does that mean we’re just along for the ride? Some say yes and some say no, but if we can learn from our mistakes, hadn’t we ought to at least try to make a difference? Granted, we may not affect the outcome much, but what could it hurt if we came to our senses a little and tried to make the world slightly better?

Sure, the earth is God’s, but He’s letting us live here, so why not try to be more thoughtful tenants?

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