Tuesday, December 16, 2008

So Long As There Are Virginias

We are approach-ing Christ-mas, and in light of some things the federal govern-ment has been doing of late, I thought it might be appropriate to clear up, especially for all you hopeful but wavering Virginias out there, a few growing and insidious misconceptions about this special season.

First, there is indeed a Santa Claus. Make no mistake about that. But the authentic Santa Claus is not the federal government. The real Santa Claus is that rotund, jovial fellow who personifies the true spirit of giving. He is that rosy cheeked old gentleman who lives at the north pole, and who employs a legion of highly skilled elves, each one happily and incessantly engaged in the production of toys. He is that bewhiskered and boisterous character who magically circles the globe every Christmas Eve in a sleigh drawn by eight reindeer. He is one of our most endearing and charming symbols of Christmas. He is jolly old St. Nick, and he has been lighting up the eyes of children for generations.

Second, there is indeed a Savior. Make no mistake about that. But the authentic Savior is not the federal government. The authentic Savior is the Babe born in a stable who was wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger. He is not a symbol of Christmas, He is Christmas. Furthermore, His gift of salvation is available to all, not just to a well connected few in the banking and auto industries. And His is not a fleeting and temporary salvation, it is lasting and eternal. He does not lie; indeed, He is the great bearer of truth. His love for us is not superficial and calculating, it is genuine. He is Christ the Lord, our Redeemer, and He has been lifting the spirits of the downcast and disheartened for 2000 years.

During this holiday season it might be beneficial to remember, Virginia, that there are genuine sources of hope, comfort, joy and contentment. But the federal government is not among those sources. In fact, the things that bring to us the most solace and happiness, at this time of the year or any time of the year, are often the things we can neither see nor touch. They are the treasured images and deeply held convictions we keep safely tucked away in the securest recesses of our hearts and souls.

No Virginia, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are not Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus. And they most assuredly are not saviors or redeemers of the world, as they often portray themselves to be. They have absolutely nothing in common with Santa Claus and the only characteristic they share with the Almighty is that they too giveth and taketh away. But be of good cheer, Virginia, for Harry and Nancy can give and take only those things that are transient and temporary, not the things that truly matter, not the precious things you keep tightly locked in your heart.

One final thought, Virginia. One that I want you to remember forever. If House Speakers and Senate Majority Leaders were ever permitted to pose as Santa Claus or our beloved Savior, even briefly, the world would very quickly and most certainly deteriorate into a grim and despairing place. Why, such a turn of events might even set off a rapid return to the dark ages! So don’t ever let a politician beguile you into believing, no matter how convincing or kindly he or she may appear to be, that they are now Santa Claus, or that they have displaced and superseded the true Redeemer of the world. For so long as there are bona fide Virginias in the world, people like yourself who genuinely yearn to believe in real generosity, love and compassion, these slippery charlatans can never succeed in carrying out their villainous ambitions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr. Underwood, your blog entries are always welcome. Thanks.