Thursday, February 19, 2009

Nevada's Freedom Fighters

As much as I have come to enjoy it, I must admit that only so much can be accomplished by exposing the mis-deeds and mischief spawned by inept, self-serving and double-crossing politicians. And besides, why dwell perpetually upon the negative? I think it’s high time we started drawing attention to those in Washington who are sincerely trying to preserve and protect our way of life--the American way of life, a way of life that has drawn millions of hopeful immigrants to this great land of opportunity.

Fortunately, we in Nevada do not have to look far to find solid men of character, men who faithfully and truly serve our state and nation. In our congressional delegation, for example, we have two extremely capable and committed public servants: Senator John Ensign and Congressman Dean Heller. Their voting records clearly demonstrate that they fully understand and appreciate the fundamental principles and values upon which this great nation was founded. And furthermore, they have never given us any reason to suspect that their faith in these principles is weakening.

In a country where more and more people seem to be clamoring for a bigger government, believing erroneously that a bigger government will be better able to care for them, it is easy to see why so many elected officials simply give in to it. After all, it is the least demanding way for men and woman who possess none of the qualities of true greatness to acquire prestige, popularity and power. And what’s more, they can get themselves elected and re-elected time and time again by pretending to be generous and compassionate on our money.

How refreshing and commendable it is, then, to see members of congress resisting that easy road. How commendable it is to see members of congress who will not allow themselves to be seduced away from cherished and proven principles simply because more alluring ones are coming into vogue. How commendable it is to see political leaders who have enough backbone to express an unpopular truth, even though expressing that truth might spell defeat at the next election.

True greatness reveals itself whenever someone firmly stands up for what is right no matter how many influential and fashionable people may oppose it.

Today High Desert Digest salutes John Ensign and Dean Heller and calls upon each of you to sustain them in their unflagging efforts to pursue a course that is compatible with our free and limited form of government. Please rally behind these men, and the many other men and women in Washington, who are daily questioning and challenging the highly corrosive political and economic theories that are being imprudently introduced into our country.

At this very moment a desperate struggle for liberty is being waged in, of all places, the hallowed halls of Congress. Please support Nevada’s courageous freedom fighters in Washington: Senator John Ensign and Congressman Dean Heller.

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