A society cannot be improved by depriving its members of the opportunity to learn from their mistakes, harsh though those realities may be.
When a government seeks to mitigate and temper conse-quences that are the natural result of indolence, stupidity, incompetence and greed, they are doing their citizens a grave disservice, especially when resource-rich developing nations are pursuing a more prudent and practical course, and would be happy to see us go under.
It should be apparent to anyone with even a modicum of sense that a nation composed of citizens and corporations that are incapable of responsibly managing their affairs cannot possibly compete with countries whose citizens and business enterprises can.
Our government currently is pursuing social and economic policies that are rapidly reducing Americans to helpless children, children who soon will have no other recourse but to lean on their near-bankrupt government for support. And how long do you suppose we can stand up to our competitors in the world under circumstances like that?
It’s both a shame and a crime that a nation that once was the envy of the entire world, and rightly so, has sunk to such extreme levels of moral degeneration.
But this is no time to be feeling sorry for ourselves or to be looking to our highest political and business leaders to do the right thing. We well know where they stand.
The hard fact is that if we as individuals do not return, and return quickly, to the principles upon which this great nation was founded, and whole-heartedly embrace our responsibilities and defend our God-given rights, the next gust of ill-wind that sweeps across this country may be the one that topples us over. And there will be another ill-wind. Any truly mature person realizes that ups and downs are inevitable and must be prudently planned for.
Remember, it doesn’t always take superior numbers to win a battle. Sometimes a deeply committed few can carry the day.
Please start taking an active and sincere interest in your country. As Americans we have a proud and noble heritage, and if we will work diligently together to preserve it, we can have a bright and prosperous future as well.
So seize the initiative before it’s too late! Don’t leave your fate in the hands of self-serving and unscrupulous politicians. At the next election, let’s fire as many of the hopeless dolts as we can!
“The foundation stone of national life is and must ever be the high individual character of the individual citizen.”
--Theodore Roosevelt
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