Monday, April 6, 2009

Trust Issues

Among the truly absurd observations made by Hillary Clinton over the years is this gem: “It takes a village to raise a child.”

Although no one would dispute the fact that it is helpful to live in a village where people care about one another’s children, the influences contributed by a village are obviously inferior and secondary to the influences contributed by a loving family.

Of course, Hillary Clinton is hinting that she wants the federal government to begin playing a greater role in raising your children, so she would like you to believe it’s a good idea to get the “village” involved. What she is saying in effect is this: “Why return to basics when we can create another intrusive and expensive government program?

Somewhere God got the idea that a mother and father were just the right combination for rearing children. But apparently Hillary Clinton disagrees. It wasn’t bad enough, I guess, that she couldn’t see eye to eye with the Founders. Now she feels the need to take it one step further.

When we were born, if we were lucky, we were born into a good family, a group of people who worked together and loved each other. That is how we initially survived as human beings. A family took care of us.

Those initial years in a loving, protective family were our introduction to what it means to be a member of a group. That is where we learned to get along with others and do our fair share of the work.

Granted, in the last few decades a number of families have fallen into a state of disrepair, but is that sufficient reason for us to give up on the family organization and replace it with something else, some alien product of the federal government?

Most of us recognize that the family is the core of civilization. It is the primary element in any society. Only a misguided liberal like Hillary Clinton would want to tamper with something so fundamental.

What egos these liberals have! They want to control everything--the economy, the weather and even the family. And they haven’t given us the slightest reason to believe they can handle any of these jobs. They have made a mess of everything they’ve touched. Yet they cry out for more power.

Their problem seems to be that they don’t trust anyone. Not even God!

Editor's note: Yes, we realize Hillary Clinton is now Secretary of State, but she is still a snake in the grass and a liberal.

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