Sunday, August 16, 2009
To Save A Great Nation
In the past I have written about Harry Reid. (Please refer to Feb. 2, 2009 post). I don’t like writing about Harry Reid because writing about Harry Reid inevitably requires the mentioning of offensive matter processed by the bowels. Nevertheless, I believe it is time we return to the unpleasant subject of Harry Reid.
Harry Reid is coming up for reelection on November 2, 2010, and although I understand, as we all do, that excrement happens, I don’t believe it should occupy a seat in the U.S. Senate. So here is an opportunity for us to flush Harry Reid down the toilet and put him in the septic tank with other raw sewage where he belongs.
Okay, now that we have the really repugnant part of this out of the way, let us get on with the milder, though no less important, aspects of our case against Harry Reid.
We Americans seem temporarily to have lost our sense of priorities and proportions. We are more concerned about the qualifications of airline pilots, train engineers and bus drivers than we are with the qualifications of those we entrust with the important job of guiding our great nation. For instance, we didn’t know diddly squat about Barack Obama’s personal and political background, and still don’t, yet we elected him to the highest political post in the land.
This isn’t the way it is supposed to be, dear friends. The people--we the people--are supposed to be thoroughly and meticulously scrutinizing candidates before electing and reelecting them to public office. This entails, for the most part, avoiding the mainstream media’s liberal biases while assiduously gathering and sharing information from more honest and reliable sources.
Come on folks, let’s get real here. We are considering these candidates for service as trustees of a trust--a very sacred and valuable trust. These men and women will be holding the fate of our entire nation in their hands. The future welfare and happiness of our children and grandchildren will depend largely upon the kinds of decisions they make in our behalf.
Think about it. How much weight can you put into a boat before it sinks? And similarly, how much debt load can a nation, even a great nation, bear before it goes under? We have to start getting practical and serious about our future. We’re in grave danger, people!
In times like these, more than ever, we need honest, capable and trustworthy men and women in public office. This is no time to be reelecting misguided and corrupt politicians like Harry Reid who pose as champions of the people while recklessly spending every available dollar in the U.S. Treasury, whether it be a tax dollar or a borrowed one, to fund their twisted and cockeyed vision of America.
Let’s be candid. Harry Reid is ill-equipped both mentally and morally to be a U.S. Senator, regardless of what he may say about himself or what his supporters in the liberal media may say about him. He has clearly demonstrated that he is a staunch opponent of limited government and a very strong supporter of big government. He has clearly demonstrated that he believes in taking power away from the many and consolidating it in the hands of a select few. He has clearly demonstrated that he is in favor of replacing people rule with elitist rule, elitist rule being a government administered by people like Harry Reid who believe hard-working American taxpayers are too stupid to know what’s best for them.
There is, and I know you can all smell it, a putrid stench emanating from our nation’s capital. Please join with me in removing the source of that stench, Harry Reid and other odious officials like him, from public office. It is not this generation’s calling to establish a great nation, but it is this generation’s calling to save a great nation from destruction.
If you are not already one, become a true American patriot!
“Government is a trust, and the officers of government are trustees. And both the trust and the trustees are created for the benefit of the people.” --Henry Clay
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