Thursday, November 26, 2009

They Still Belong To Him

There was a time in America when most people under-stood that the bounties of earth came from God. That is why, as a nation, we have a special day set aside for giving thanks.

Now, however, with stiff competition coming from the federal government, it is difficult for some to remember the source of our blessings or to whom we should be expressing our gratitude.

So when or if you find yourself in doubt, just remember this. God created the earth. It was He who placed the bounties here. Each one of the earth’s resources, or any combination thereof, that we draw upon for our daily survival and comfort are His. Granted, control over their distribution may be shifting steadily into the hands of the federal government, but that does not alter the fact that they still belong to Him.

So today as you gather your loved ones around you to partake of what God has generously provided you with, remember that it is April 15th, not Thanksgiving Day, that we render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s.

Today a simple but heart-felt thank you to God should be sufficient.

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Liberal's Endless Quest for Power

Among the arguments, albeit flimsy ones, made by those who favor a massive and unprecedented govern-ment reform (read that “takeover”) of our nation’s health care system is that the preamble to the Constitution and its “commerce clause” empower the government to do so.

Our Founders, being the wise realists they were, knew that they, or any other humans, were incapable of creating a perfect union. So in the preamble to the Constitution they said their goal in establishing it was to form a “more perfect” one, one that among other things would “promote the general welfare.” Italics added.

To most of us the word “promote” means to encourage and nurture; the word “general” means overall and nonspecific.

With those clear-cut and straightforward definitions in mind, could anyone but a power grabbing liberal suppose that the preamble authorizes our government to start its own insurance company?

Okay, so much for the preamble argument. Now, let’s turn our attention to the Constitution’s commerce clause. This is what it says: “The Congress shall have the Power…To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes.”

Now, I know liberals are weird. They go well out of their way each day to demonstrate that, but can’t they see any difference between regulating commerce and engaging in it? And can’t they see any conflict of interest in the regulators competing directly with the privately owned commercial enterprises they are authorized to regulate?

I am not a Constitutional scholar. I’m just an old guy who lives out in the middle of Nevada. But I think it’s quite clear that what our Founders were saying in the preamble and the commerce clause falls far short of what Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and their over zealous gang of meddlers and manipulators now are reading into to those terse and unambiguous passages.

Certainly there is nothing in them to suggest that government may step in and compete with lawfully run businesses just because it believes they are failing to adequately meet the public’s needs.

And didn’t the Founders make it clear that they were creating a “limited” government, a government that would “secure the Blessings of Liberty?” That’s also in the preamble.

Maybe I’m missing something here, but it would seem to me that permitting the federal government to continue arrogating power to itself is not the way to secure liberty!

With so much written in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights about restraining government and advancing freedom, why is it that liberals always choose to overlook what is so obvious? What morbid need drives them to search frantically and endlessly for nonexistent powers in obscure places? Are they all suffering from diseased minds or are they intentionally and craftily attempting to transform the government of the United States into a socialistic regime?

Please think it over. I think I see a pattern of abuse emerging here.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Masked Intentions

More than ever before, our government is requiring the “Haves” to share with the “Have-Nots.” It claims it wants to level “the playing field,” playing field being a euphemism for our nation’s economy. In other words, it’s not done meddling.

However, it seems to be of no apparent concern to the government that some of the Have-Nots are unwilling to live prudently or work for a living. Nor does the government seem particularly concerned that some of the Haves are growing sick and tired of being forced to share with their careless and unmotivated neighbors. Despite these obvious and legitimate concerns, our government is hell-bent on carrying out this ill-advised and controversial program of exchange, which in countries where the politicians are slightly more honest is called socialism.

But whatever you wish to call it, the most frightening element I see in all this is that we are permitting our government to assume extraordinary and excessive power. We are giving it the power to confiscate--repeat, confiscate--wealth and property. Do we really believe that’s a good idea? Of all the creatures on God’s green earth, are politicians the ones we want to hand this kind of power over to?

Think about it. This year the government is confiscating the outrageous bonus of a greedy corporate executive. No one feels sorry for him because he is a greedy corporate executive. But what about next year, when the government is confiscating your paltry annual bonus, a bonus you sorely need to replace the furnace in your home?

Aren’t we savvy enough to the ways of the world to realize that giving the government the power to determine when someone has too much is not in our long-term best interest? Don’t we understand that giving the government this kind of power will one day backfire on us?

This isn’t about sharing wealth. This is about concentrating wealth, concentrating it into the hands of a select few so they may have it all. The politicians are merely using the ruse of helping the poor and punishing the wealthy in order to gain power, the power to completely manipulate the so-called playing field. Once they have gained that power, which is their ultimate goal, be assured that they will waste no time in revamping our economy in such a way that America’s now widely dispersed wealth will be drawn quickly and effortlessly from our pockets and funneled forthwith into theirs, or more precisely into the pockets of those for whom they work.

If we don’t put a stop to this chicanery soon, expect to find yourself among a very large and growing number of Have-Nots. And don’t expect the shrinking number of Haves to share their exorbitant and rapidly accumulating wealth with you, or to be concerned in the least about the sudden and dramatic increase in the elevation at their end of the playing field.

By that time the game will be over and the masks will be taken off, for there no longer will be any need for masks. By that time the masterminds behind this nefarious scheme will have us, the heedless and the stupid, where they want us--in shackles.

For the sake of your survival and your posterity’s, learn to be a little more suspicious, especially of politicians, the most cunning, deceptive and dangerous animals on earth.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Join the Fight to Save America!

Over the years since the birth of our nation, many threats to our safety and well being have come. One such threat was launched on December 7, 1941. For the United States, the attack on Pearl Harbor marked the beginning of World War II, a global conflagration that put our country and way of life at grave risk.

One of our nation’s first meaningful responses to that fast moving and escalating danger was made on August 7, 1942 with the invasion of Guadalcanal. On that day, 11,000 U.S. Marines were put ashore on that obscure, malaria ridden island. By the second and third days, fierce clashes between U. S. and Japanese aerial and naval forces caused our carrier task force and supply ships to withdraw, leaving our marines stranded and desperately short of supplies. Nevertheless, they did not despair. Instead, they fought, and fought hard. For much was at stake.

The battle for Guadalcanal lasted six months. During that time reinforcements and additional supplies gradually trickled in. Many savage battles were fought on land, sea and in the air. But in the end the Japanese were driven from the island and, with its occupation, the tide of battle in the Pacific began subtly shifting in our favor.

Was it easy? No. Many American lives were lost, and those who survived suffered unimaginably. But an important victory in a long war was achieved. America and her people were made a little safer, a little more secure, by the courageous actions of those marines on that distant island and in that desperate hour.

Now, only sixty-seven years later, our generation stands face to face with another threat, a threat every bit as dire and sinister as the one thrust upon our country by the Axis Powers in World War II. I speak of the threat from within. I speak of the ruthless and relentless assaults being made upon our nation’s very heart and core, the Constitution, by elected officials sworn to uphold it. These men and women in high places pretend to be good and faithful servants, but their perverse and persistent actions reveal an unmistakable pattern that leads the vigilant among us to one inescapable conclusion: These turncoats intend to destroy America. Therefore, like those who went before us, we are left with no recourse but to fight for our survival. We have arrived at another crucial turning point in American history.

So where do we begin? Our first mission in this bizarre and emerging conflict will be to thoroughly expose the enemy, for many of our friends and neighbors still are blind to the threat that surrounds us. They must be awakened, energized and mobilized quickly into an army of outraged and resolute citizens, citizens willing to make any sacrifice necessary to save the Constitution and our special way of life that rests upon it.

Then we must strike back with every legitimate means and tool at our disposal, and keep hitting, hard and sure, though the road ahead may seem long, grim and arduous. To do otherwise would be an insult to the brave men who seized Guadalcanal from the Japanese at a time when the fate of the world hung precariously in the balance. Those men fought nobly and unrelentingly to keep freedom and democracy alive in the world. And they did it with the odds squarely against them and while enduring unspeakable horrors and hardships. Will we let them down? Will we, now that it is our turn to fight, forget the gallant battle they waged? Will we simply hand over to our current foes that which those brave and loyal men fought so hard to preserve? Or will we be inspired and vitalized by their example?

I say, let us take heart from their splendid example, and overthrow these despots in sheep’s clothing just as our fathers and grandfathers threw back the Japanese. This is not an attack upon a naval base in Hawaii, this is an attack upon our Constitution!

On this Veterans’ Day, let us remember and pay tribute to those gallant men living and dead who fought on Guadalcanal. And to all those who have fought and sacrificed around the world to keep America free. But let us show our thanks not by mere flag waving alone but by doing our utmost now to preserve our precious freedoms so they may be passed undiminished to our posterity.

Unlike the battle waged on Guadalcanal, this is not yet a call to arms; rather, it is an urgent and peaceable plea to support and perpetuate the system of government wisely formulated by our Founding Fathers. This we can do systematically and successfully at the ballot box if we are organized and united.

Remember, freedom is not free. Every generation or so, a select few, a favored few, must pay an installment. It is now our turn. We must not waver; we must not despair; we must not turn away. For much is at stake.

Join the fight to save America!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

A New World Order

Unless you have come out of a de-cade-long coma re-cently, you doubt-less have heard the terms
“World Order,” One World Order,” or “New World Order.”

Some may dispute whether a purposeful and bona fide effort is being made to formulate and implement such an order; however, may I suggest to you that the very existence of a United Nations serves as definite and material proof that more than a casual effort is being expended to create one. Moreover, the words “world order” seem to be issuing forth from politicians mouths with ever-increasing regularity these days.

It is not my intention at this time to call into question whether the implementation of a one world order is vitally necessary or not. In my opinion, it is not a world order that we should be in fear of. Indeed, a world order may actually be a good idea.

The question, rather, that we currently should be asking ourselves is whether we have advanced sufficiently as human beings to provide the kind of leadership necessary to successfully run a world order; that is, run it in a manner and on a basis whereby we all are much better off with it than without it.

Human beings, after all, have grave, serious and obvious flaws and limitations. For example, we still are greedy; we still are selfish; we still are petty; we still are intolerant; we still are hateful; we still are imperious; we still are stupid.

Who, therefore, from among us would possess the moral and intellectual qualifications to lead and manage such a powerful and colossal organization? Who and where are the wise and self-sacrificing elder statesmen fit to take on such an important and challenging task--Bill Clinton, George Bush, Al Gore, Dick Cheney?

When you look at it that way, the idea of a new world order seems rather ludicrous, doesn’t it? And also very premature.

My opinion? Let’s wait awhile. Maybe if we’re lucky, in a thousand years or so, an honorable man may come along.

In the meantime, consider this: “Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it.”

Monday, November 2, 2009

God Save the Constitution

The British have a say-ing: “God save the King.” I suppose that’s okay if you have a king and are labor-ing under the misconception that he is necessary to your survival, but we Americans have something far better than a king. We Americans have a Constitution, so our daily and fervent prayer ought to be: “God save the Constitution.”

You see, the reason our Constitution is vastly superior to a king is because our Constitution is what stands in the way of anyone ever becoming a king (or queen) in this country. But in order for our Constitution to be effective, we must employ it. And that’s where we’ve been letting ourselves and our founding ancestors down. We haven’t been taking full advantage of the priceless gift they left to us. We haven’t been demanding that our political leaders adhere strictly to its terms. Foolishly, we have been allowing them to break their contract with us. That is why they’ve been able to make so many pernicious inroads into our freedoms. While we were sleeping and getting “cash for clunkers,” they, like hungry termites, were hard at work boring holes in our Constitution.

People who were born free, as we Americans were, have no use for a father-figure looking over us. We don’t need a king. We prize our independence and freedom far more than any false sense of security an earthly king might provide us with. And from a purely personal standpoint, I would just like to say that I wouldn’t want to be staking my future happiness and welfare, or the future happiness and welfare of my children, on the hoped for benevolence and generosity of a king. Rather, I hope I would always possess the gumption and grit to make my own way in the world, without stooping down to accept bogus dollars from a bankrupt federal government--bogus dollars that have many dangerous and entangling strings attached.

And if at some point I refuse to go on taking care of myself, I fully understand and accept the fact that I will have to live in the unfavorable circumstances and squalor I have created through my own indolence. After all, why should I expect to be rewarded by my government for being incompetent and lazy, especially when that reward will have to come at the expense of someone who is not incompetent and lazy--someone who is enterprising, bold and daring. Why should the government be permitted to permanently break that person’s spirit in order to temporarily boost mine? Someone’s got to produce the wealth in this country and God knows the government can’t do it.

Our Founders knew that nature and nature’s God would reward the persistent and the industrious. Therefore, they saw no need for the federal government to get into the middle of this divinely ordained equation and throw it all out of balance. And look at the many national and personal blessings we have reaped as a result of their uncanny wisdom and astonishing insight. We have become the most richly blessed country in all the world.

But we Americans must remember one thing: We were created by God, who is the omnipotent Ruler over all things seen and unseen. As His creation, we belong to Him. Therefore, our first and ultimate allegiance must always be to Him. He is our King. He is our Savior. He is our Deliverer. So long as we have faith in Him, we may confidently reject the spurious promises made to us by smooth-talking charlatans, men who yearn to be kings, men who yearn even to be gods over all the earth.

If we truly wish to successfully resist and defeat tyrants, we must return to God and the Constitution. There and there alone is where genuine safety lies, despite what the so-called elite of this country are shouting at us day in and day out.

“No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the Invisible Hand which conducts the affairs of men more than those of the United States. Every step by which they have advanced to the character of an independent nation seems to have been distinguished by some token of providential agency.”--George Washington, first inaugural address