The British have a say-ing: “God save the King.” I suppose that’s okay if you have a king and are labor-ing under the misconception that he is necessary to your survival, but we Americans have something far better than a king. We Americans have a Constitution, so our daily and fervent prayer ought to be: “God save the Constitution.”
You see, the reason our Constitution is vastly superior to a king is because our Constitution is what stands in the way of anyone ever becoming a king (or queen) in this country. But in order for our Constitution to be effective, we must employ it. And that’s where we’ve been letting ourselves and our founding ancestors down. We haven’t been taking full advantage of the priceless gift they left to us. We haven’t been demanding that our political leaders adhere strictly to its terms. Foolishly, we have been allowing them to break their contract with us. That is why they’ve been able to make so many pernicious inroads into our freedoms. While we were sleeping and getting “cash for clunkers,” they, like hungry termites, were hard at work boring holes in our Constitution.
People who were born free, as we Americans were, have no use for a father-figure looking over us. We don’t need a king. We prize our independence and freedom far more than any false sense of security an earthly king might provide us with. And from a purely personal standpoint, I would just like to say that I wouldn’t want to be staking my future happiness and welfare, or the future happiness and welfare of my children, on the hoped for benevolence and generosity of a king. Rather, I hope I would always possess the gumption and grit to make my own way in the world, without stooping down to accept bogus dollars from a bankrupt federal government--bogus dollars that have many dangerous and entangling strings attached.
And if at some point I refuse to go on taking care of myself, I fully understand and accept the fact that I will have to live in the unfavorable circumstances and squalor I have created through my own indolence. After all, why should I expect to be rewarded by my government for being incompetent and lazy, especially when that reward will have to come at the expense of someone who is not incompetent and lazy--someone who is enterprising, bold and daring. Why should the government be permitted to permanently break that person’s spirit in order to temporarily boost mine? Someone’s got to produce the wealth in this country and God knows the government can’t do it.
Our Founders knew that nature and nature’s God would reward the persistent and the industrious. Therefore, they saw no need for the federal government to get into the middle of this divinely ordained equation and throw it all out of balance. And look at the many national and personal blessings we have reaped as a result of their uncanny wisdom and astonishing insight. We have become the most richly blessed country in all the world.
But we Americans must remember one thing: We were created by God, who is the omnipotent Ruler over all things seen and unseen. As His creation, we belong to Him. Therefore, our first and ultimate allegiance must always be to Him. He is our King. He is our Savior. He is our Deliverer. So long as we have faith in Him, we may confidently reject the spurious promises made to us by smooth-talking charlatans, men who yearn to be kings, men who yearn even to be gods over all the earth.
If we truly wish to successfully resist and defeat tyrants, we must return to God and the Constitution. There and there alone is where genuine safety lies, despite what the so-called elite of this country are shouting at us day in and day out.
“No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the Invisible Hand which conducts the affairs of men more than those of the United States. Every step by which they have advanced to the character of an independent nation seems to have been distinguished by some token of providential agency.”--George Washington, first inaugural address
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