Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Join the Fight to Save America!

Over the years since the birth of our nation, many threats to our safety and well being have come. One such threat was launched on December 7, 1941. For the United States, the attack on Pearl Harbor marked the beginning of World War II, a global conflagration that put our country and way of life at grave risk.

One of our nation’s first meaningful responses to that fast moving and escalating danger was made on August 7, 1942 with the invasion of Guadalcanal. On that day, 11,000 U.S. Marines were put ashore on that obscure, malaria ridden island. By the second and third days, fierce clashes between U. S. and Japanese aerial and naval forces caused our carrier task force and supply ships to withdraw, leaving our marines stranded and desperately short of supplies. Nevertheless, they did not despair. Instead, they fought, and fought hard. For much was at stake.

The battle for Guadalcanal lasted six months. During that time reinforcements and additional supplies gradually trickled in. Many savage battles were fought on land, sea and in the air. But in the end the Japanese were driven from the island and, with its occupation, the tide of battle in the Pacific began subtly shifting in our favor.

Was it easy? No. Many American lives were lost, and those who survived suffered unimaginably. But an important victory in a long war was achieved. America and her people were made a little safer, a little more secure, by the courageous actions of those marines on that distant island and in that desperate hour.

Now, only sixty-seven years later, our generation stands face to face with another threat, a threat every bit as dire and sinister as the one thrust upon our country by the Axis Powers in World War II. I speak of the threat from within. I speak of the ruthless and relentless assaults being made upon our nation’s very heart and core, the Constitution, by elected officials sworn to uphold it. These men and women in high places pretend to be good and faithful servants, but their perverse and persistent actions reveal an unmistakable pattern that leads the vigilant among us to one inescapable conclusion: These turncoats intend to destroy America. Therefore, like those who went before us, we are left with no recourse but to fight for our survival. We have arrived at another crucial turning point in American history.

So where do we begin? Our first mission in this bizarre and emerging conflict will be to thoroughly expose the enemy, for many of our friends and neighbors still are blind to the threat that surrounds us. They must be awakened, energized and mobilized quickly into an army of outraged and resolute citizens, citizens willing to make any sacrifice necessary to save the Constitution and our special way of life that rests upon it.

Then we must strike back with every legitimate means and tool at our disposal, and keep hitting, hard and sure, though the road ahead may seem long, grim and arduous. To do otherwise would be an insult to the brave men who seized Guadalcanal from the Japanese at a time when the fate of the world hung precariously in the balance. Those men fought nobly and unrelentingly to keep freedom and democracy alive in the world. And they did it with the odds squarely against them and while enduring unspeakable horrors and hardships. Will we let them down? Will we, now that it is our turn to fight, forget the gallant battle they waged? Will we simply hand over to our current foes that which those brave and loyal men fought so hard to preserve? Or will we be inspired and vitalized by their example?

I say, let us take heart from their splendid example, and overthrow these despots in sheep’s clothing just as our fathers and grandfathers threw back the Japanese. This is not an attack upon a naval base in Hawaii, this is an attack upon our Constitution!

On this Veterans’ Day, let us remember and pay tribute to those gallant men living and dead who fought on Guadalcanal. And to all those who have fought and sacrificed around the world to keep America free. But let us show our thanks not by mere flag waving alone but by doing our utmost now to preserve our precious freedoms so they may be passed undiminished to our posterity.

Unlike the battle waged on Guadalcanal, this is not yet a call to arms; rather, it is an urgent and peaceable plea to support and perpetuate the system of government wisely formulated by our Founding Fathers. This we can do systematically and successfully at the ballot box if we are organized and united.

Remember, freedom is not free. Every generation or so, a select few, a favored few, must pay an installment. It is now our turn. We must not waver; we must not despair; we must not turn away. For much is at stake.

Join the fight to save America!

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