Recently the election of Scott Brown in Massachu-setts sent a shock wave throughout the nation and the Democratic Party. But why was the outcome of that election not foreseen? Why did it come as such a surprise?
One reason--the prime reason--is that the news media is neglecting to do its whole job. The news media in their unchecked zeal to cover the president and promote his interests are failing to adequately cover the American people and their interests.
There are at least three sides to most political stories. 1) What the politicians are doing in Washington. 2) How the people back home are reacting to what they are doing. And 3) Why the people are reacting as they are. Our nation’s journalists, if they may be called that, are leaving out roughly two-thirds of every political story, which means they are concealing much more than they are revealing.
Take the health care legislation that recently passed through both houses of congress. Many of us have felt for quite some time that the nation as a whole was not supportive of those bills. Moreover, it seemed apparent that most Americans were unhappy with the unsavory tactics liberal politicians were employing to rush these unpopular pieces of legislation through. Had meaningful polls been taken by the news media, and their results truthfully and faithfully reported, I am fairly confident that the health care story would have played out much differently and the election of Scott Brown would not have been such a great surprise.
When the news media intentionally withholds part of a story, a crucial element of a story, it is guilty of misleading the public. And when that sort of insidious behavior becomes the norm rather than the exception, the news media ceases to be a news media and becomes a propaganda machine.
Can anyone doubt that a huge and vital portion of the health care story was the public’s overwhelmingly negative reaction to it. Why, then, do you suppose the news media chose to overlook it?
I believe the news media failed to tell that part of the story because it was in the best interest of their allies, the plotters and schemers in Washington, to do so. They simply didn’t want those who were adamantly opposed to this socialistic legislation to know that most of their neighbors also were adamantly opposed to it. That’s what it all came down to. They just didn’t want us to know what was going on. But isn’t faithfully reporting what is going on the true purpose of the news media?
Americans: It is time we realized that we are fighting a two-front war in this country. We not only are waging a deadly battle against political tyrants in high places but we also are locked in a desperate struggle with their dangerous and sociopathic collaborators in the news media.
If we are going to win this fight, we must work diligently together to soundly defeat those in Washington who are steadily undermining our way of life, and in so doing prove to their immoral accomplices in the news media that there is nothing to be gained by supporting crooked politicians and their schemes.
Governments intending to inflict harm and hardship upon their citizens need propaganda machines. Governments intending to do good don’t.
It’s just that simple.