Monday, January 18, 2010

A Consummate and Polished Liar

Never before in the history of our nation have Americans put a bolder liar into the White House. Never before have we had a president who better understood what Americans want to hear and yet has been ever willing to do the very opposite in carrying out his self-centered and destructive agenda.

Be assured that any man exhibiting these traits and characteristics is a dangerous man. History records that every tyrant who ever lured a free people into bondage was a consummate and polished liar.

From President Obama’s White House website come these patently misleading statements concerning openness and transparency in his administration.

“My Administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in Government. We will work together to ensure the public trust and establish a system of transparency, public participation, and collaboration. Openness will strengthen our democracy and promote efficiency and effectiveness in Government.

“Transparency promotes accountability and provides information for citizens about what their Government is doing. Information maintained by the Federal Government is a national asset. My Administration will take appropriate action, consistent with law and policy, to disclose information rapidly in forms that the public can readily find and use. Executive departments and agencies should harness new technologies to put information about their operations and decisions online and readily available to the public. Executive departments and agencies should also solicit public feedback to identify information of greatest use to the public.

“Public engagement enhances the Government's effectiveness and improves the quality of its decisions. Knowledge is widely dispersed in society, and public officials benefit from having access to that dispersed knowledge. Executive departments and agencies should offer Americans increased opportunities to participate in policymaking and to provide their Government with the benefits of their collective expertise and information. Executive departments and agencies should also solicit public input on how we can increase and improve opportunities for public participation in Government.

“Collaboration actively engages Americans in the work of their Government. Executive departments and agencies should use innovative tools, methods, and systems to cooperate among themselves, across all levels of Government, and with nonprofit organizations, businesses, and individuals in the private sector. Executive departments and agencies should solicit public feedback to assess and improve their level of collaboration and to identify new opportunities for cooperation.”

Now, my dear fellow citizens, contrast those glowing and inspiring words with the shameful manner in which our President and congressional Democrats currently are behaving as they underhandedly conduct the business of pushing through their widely unpopular health care reform package.

Am I incorrect or unfair in suggesting that our latest president is the boldest and most blatant liar ever to inhabit the White House?

Allow me to remind you once again that liars are dangerous people. Dishonesty and double-dealing are their stock-in-trade. If we hope to retain our precious freedoms much longer, we must waste no time in running these coarse degenerates out of Washington.

Someone once said that America will be the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave. Wherever you are in this great country of ours, begin making a courageous stand--now!

Bear in mind that liberty is far too valuable a commodity to be possessed by those who are unwilling to preserve and defend it. Surely it will slip from our hands if we don’t rally together in these critical times.

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