Sunday, January 3, 2010
Brazen Political Hypocrisy
Everyone understands that times change. I think we all can accept that. But accommodat-ing new realities shouldn’t require a great and industrious people to give up their core values, the values that made them great. What I am saying is that it shouldn’t be necessary for Ameri-cans to dismantle and discard their one-of-a-kind Constitution and system of government in order to meet the challenges of a new era.
In a time when “preservation” has become a sacred byword, a religious chant, few politicians seem concerned about the steady erosion that is imperiling our special way of life. School children are daily taught, for example, that nothing should be permitted to threaten the existence of rain forests, polar ice sheets or the animals that inhabit those regions, yet they are not being candidly told how their own futures will be placed in serious jeopardy if we continue to encourage the ever increasing tangle of government regulations that already are smothering our precious freedoms. Innocent children all across America are being misled by a carefully crafted fairy tale, and we, their parents and grandparents, aren’t even putting forth a serious rebuttal to this shameless malarkey.
What happened to the Patrick Henrys of this world, the men and women who valued liberty more than life itself? I ask you, of what good will our lives be to us when we all become mere pawns in a vast, worldwide totalitarian system? We’ll never know whether Al Gore succeeded in saving the glaciers in Alaska or not because the propaganda ministry will be telling us not to worry, that all is well, that everything is under control. Just do as you’re told.
Come on, folks. We all know full well that creating a bigger and more meddlesome government isn’t the solution to our problems, the real ones or the make-believe ones. Why are we permitting these politicians to continue with this evil and dangerous deception? We all know deep inside that they are driven by an insatiable lust for power, not by a genuine desire to help their fellow human beings. Just look at them. What are they sacrificing to make the world better? They all are living like kings and queens, and behaving like them as well. Take the president, for example. If the nonstop burning of fossil fuels is endangering our planet, why didn’t he refrain from taking his family to Hawaii this Christmas? He could have made his decision not to travel there into an instructional opportunity. He could have told Americans that he and his family would be spending the holidays at the White House so Air Force One wouldn’t be spewing a noxious brown trail across the blue Pacific skies.
If there are problems to be solved, and there most certainly are, let us, as individual citizens, step forward and solve them. Let us become disciplined once again and begin making the voluntary individual choices and sacrifices necessary to set things straight.
Without question God gave each of us life and liberty. He gave us those gifts so we could pursue, and hopefully obtain, the things that have real and lasting value in this life, the things that bring genuine happiness to human beings.
Our current government, on the other hand, offers us only flimsy promises of a better life, promises that are neither real nor lasting.
We must without delay return to the government established by our Founders, the government that was willing to stand aside so men and women could make full use of God’s gifts, the government that was based upon individual initiative.
If we fail to do that, if we fail to wrestle power out of the hands of those who are misusing it, I can assure you that our children and grandchildren will be facing a future far more bleak and unpromising than the one currently faced by the world’s polar bears.
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